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Why buy
Owning helps more people find your business, increases search ranking, website traffic and app downloads, lowers ad costs, and protects your business from competitors. attracts your target audience, is easy to remember and share and gives you many other business advantages.
Premium names like are unique. Only one business can own it. Once it is taken will be off the market.
| is a short memorable brand for a betting app or website. Short, easy to remember and share brand names are proven to rise in value.
What makes even more valuable is the very limited supply of 3L domains, the popularity of the term, and the fact that only one business can own the brand.
How valuable is your domain name? "Your domain is your brand! It is the first thing people see and May be the last chance you have"
How to value a domain name? A great domain name like is worth from 5%-10% of gross revenue or between $50,000 and $100,000 for every $1,000,000 of annual business revenue.